
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chapter 8: A Christmas Story

Mother Fletcher was known to be over 90 years old. Then there was Patrolman William Michael O'Brien. He had a wife, Kathy, and a little girl, Meaghan. While on patrol, a girl came up to him. She said to call an ambulance for Mother Fletcher. He went upstairs to investigate. After seeing her for the first time, he thhought of her as a "black version of a painted medieval saint." (106) He called the ambulance and asked for her age. All Mother Fletcher said was that she was full-grown.
A week later, a package arrived for O'Brien. It was a handknit sweater from Mother Fletcher. He visited her to thank her and mention he had a wife. Within time, he got another sweater for his wife. He visited her again and mentioned he had a daughter. Again, he received another sweater for his daughter. O'Brien talked to her now and then. He and his wife were trying to figure out her age. One day, after work, he told his wife that Mother Fletcher had invited them to Christmas dinner, but he did not want to go. So, the weeks flew by and it was Christmas. Kathy and Meaghan walked in the room with their coats on. They were going to Mother Fletcher. O'Brien felt the need to go.
Mother Fletcher wasn't expecting them, but had a lot of food. She told Meaghan how she played catch with Santa Claus when he was just a boy. It was a good ending to a good chapter.


  1. This was a really helpful summary.Thanks!

  2. What do mother fletcher Kathy and Meaghan teach officer o brien about how to approach his work and life?

    1. Lmao i have the same question for my ela packet πŸ˜‚
